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Image by Kseniya Safronova

Nappy Organics
Good Organics


We're working on accelerating the transition to a circular economy

Tackle Lab is an Australian social enterprise committed to finding localised solutions to divert nappy and wipe waste from landfill.

We work on projects with social purpose and impact. We believe in doing better for our environment and humankind. That’s why we're continually searching for areas of improvement in our environment and everyday lives.

Nappy Organics Good Organics

The NOGO bin encourages separation at the source


5 Million

Disposable nappies go to landfill

Every day, over five million disposable nappies find their way into Australian landfills, where, deprived of oxygen and sunlight, each can take 150-500 years to decompose. A significant contributor to this massive waste stream is childcare centres, given their frequent need to change nappies — up to 4-5 times daily per child.


Australia currently lacks circular economy compliant disposable nappy systems, barring cloth diapers. Therefore, when childcare centres opt for compostable nappies, they struggle to safely compost the waste.


For a viable circular model in childcare settings, commercial compost facilities necessitate a single, uncontaminated waste stream achievable with dedicated nappy bins. By training staff to prevent bin contamination, facilities can transition to compostable nappies.



Compostable Nappy Trial

In June 2022, Tackle Lab was awarded an environmental innovation grant from the City of Sydney to conduct a compostable nappy collection trial at a childcare centre.


The aim of the trial was to examine potential barriers to compostable nappy adoption among educators and participating families and determine whether it represents a socially and economically feasible option. 

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